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In this white paper, Unimicron Germany GmbH introduces you to the advantages and possible applications of an FR4-based planar coil compared to a conventional component.

White Paper Planarspulen auf FR4-Basis

Smart Solutions for Planar Coils




Which alternatives to conventional coils do you know?

If we take a look at innovative electronic systems, we can see that they are becoming increasingly powerful on the one hand and more and more compact on the other. The housing and the components themselves are getting smaller, but the performance is increasing. There is no longer enough space on the circuit board to guarantee the required functionality.

Therefore embedding can be a potential solution, where passive or active components are integrated into the circuit board.

In this white paper, Unimicron Germany GmbH introduces you to the advantages and possible applications of an FR4-based planar coil compared to a conventional component.

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